XS Piercing

Inverted nipple piercing

Inverted nipple cure by piercing

Crater nipples or inverted nipples are flattened nipples, or are even turned inwards. The piercing can be a therapy for inverted nipples. In many cases, they can be significantly improved or even healed with the inverted nipple piercing.
We have extensive experience with many types of inverted nipples.
Depending on the type of inverted nipple, the results are different and also different looking. The piercing method is for so-called inverted nipples Grade 1 and 2 mostly successful.
In this article an objective compilation of the possible methods of nipple correction.

Which types of inverted nipples are suitable for piercing?

As a rule: If the nipple itself (i.e. the “wart”, or in technical terms “mamille” ) can be lifted from the level of the areola, be it through mechanical stimulation, appliance of coldness, or with the suction cup, then the chance of a good result is good, for Inverted nipples grade 1 or 2.

Principle of function of nipple correction with piercing

For an inverted nipple correction, the nipples are brought out by manipulation (manual stimulation, in some cases with the suction cup) and pierced in this state. During the piercing procedure (always under local anesthesia), the nipple is pushed out further using a specific manual technique. The piercing rod acts like a hasp, the nipple can no longer withdraw. The nipple later remains constantly outside, even without a piercing, because the nipple heals in this position, the milk ducts under the nipple have meanwhile been stretched and deep scarring prevents it from sliding back.

For more other information, see also nipple piercing.

sse also Wikipedia inverted nipple

Reinforcement of the effect with cross piercing: Cross piercing

The effect can be intensified with a cross piercing: If the result is unsatisfactory, the effect is additionally intensified (usually in a second, later step) with a second, vertical rod.

Example of incorrectly pierced inverted nipple piercings

Pictures of grotesquely incorrect pierced piercings (much too far outwards through the mamillary areola) in a young woman with strong central, inverted crater nipples that never healed and, because they were pierced so incorrectly, had no effect on the crater nipples.

We tried to correct it with good results.

When does the method fail?

But if the nipple cannot be retrieved with any method, then it becomes difficult. But we know only in the studio, when we see the nipple, whether it makes sense to try the piercing or not.

In the case of hopeless nipples (fortunately, these are rare, at least a improvement can be achieved with the majority of invertebral nipples), we then also advise against piercing to be fair.

In these cases, only plastic surgery remains, with the disadvantage that the ability to breastfeed is no longer maintained (severing of all milk ducts). The ability to breastfeed is preserved with piercing (cutting of only a few milk ducts, the majority remains intact).

And the cost of surgery is umpteen times higher than piercing.

Photos of inverted nipples