Opening hours, appointments, address
Opening hours:
Making an appointment highly recommended. Appointed people are preferred over not-appointed people (and we are often fully booked).
Opening hours Basel:always different. Feel free and ask.
Please call first and ask when we are there. For appointments, inquiries etc.
079 814 71 06
if we don’t take the phone – we call you back as soon as possible. Message on combox NOT necessary.
Tel appointments and information for piercing:
079 814 71 06 , Mon-Sat. 9-19h.
If you can’t reach us, we will always call you back (no Combox message needed)
Attention: do not send SMS! SMS will not be answered.
Address studio:
XS Piercing, Kohlenberg 3, 4051 Basel
(at Barfüsserplatz, centre of city, pedestrian zone)
Situation map see under contact